Contacting Technical Support

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Contacting Technical Support


Support (352) 383-9375


You may also obtain support by e-mail to [email protected]


Also our support web is located at


Support hours are:

Monday - Friday 9:00AM to 5:30PM EST Support # 352-383-9375


Support (352) 383-9375


For Emergency Support after hours and on Saturdays please send a TEXT MESSAGE to the number below:



Please include the following info: Company name, Store ID(this can be found at the bottom of the RTO Pro main menu) and the issue you are having.


Please note emergency support is only available for companies on a current subscription or support plan.

Emergency support is only when your system is down or unusable. Questions about using the software will only be answered during normal business hours.



We are closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas day.


To report bugs or request new features or enhancements you can also use the Support section of our web site at


To pay for a support incident if you are NOT on the RTO Pro support plan click here. After payment is received a support representative will call you at the number you provide.